Postmen delivers 7-track “Royals” Album

After their debut album “Documents” in 1998 and various big hits like “Cocktail”, “U Wait”, “Renaissance” and “Crisis” the new Postmen album “Royal” holds 7 new Hip-hop/Reggae fusion tracks, and was released on April 26th on the “Many Faces, Many Hats” label.

Postmen’s music stems from the evolution of hip-hop and reggae, these styles heavily influenced the direction of the sound. Started out with traditional hip-hop production style by way of sampling, to playing the instruments live on top of it.

This fusion became the trademark of the production style and philosophy of Postmen. Founder Remon ‘The Anonymous Mis’ Stotijn and his spouse Alyssa Stotijn have been at the helm of this movement since 2008. The dutch formation before then shifted regularly, session musicians and technical staff formed around each project.

Equipped with years of experience on and off stage this couple is ready to share their latest with the rest of the world, packaged in a tight little bundle called “Royals”.