Taking Over – De Strangers

Milanese band De Strangers present their single Taking Over. The song conveys a strong message: take back control of our lives and start taking responsibility for our actions. The self produced single, recorded at La Sabbia studio, is rooted in the roots reggae tradition of carrying a message of personal revolution for a better future. It’s the first preview of their album, due in spring.

The band decided to create a mystical atmosphere with the almost obsessive repetition of the phrase that gives the single its title. “We wanted to create a kind of mantra that combined the charm of repetition with the strength of reggae music” explains Elia Pozzi, singer and drummer of De Strangers, “Generally our songs are born from the music that inspires vocal melodies, but in this case it was the opposite: the vocal line created the atmosphere to compose and arrange the song.” 

Taking Over emerges with a strong rhythmic component characterised by the one drop and the bass line. These elements fit together creating an evocative atmosphere, as described by keyboardist Emiliano Vegro: “That night in the studio there were many vibrations. We wanted this song to make the feet move and at the same time accompany the consciousness flow. In a completely spontaneous way, Taking Over managed to unite mind and body and from this union arises reflection on oneself, that is what the song wants.”

The new single from De Strangers starts the new year with a message of hope and awareness – without overshadowing the dimension of movement and dance. Taking Over, the band’s first collaboration with the La Tempesta Dub label, is available on digital platforms.