Do Ya Ting – CJ Joe (Lyric Video)

CJ Joe’s new song ‘Do Ya Ting’ comes to inspire us to simply Do You, Be You, and Be True to your Real self with no regrets. Even though at times not following the crowd may lead up to certain people’s criticism and consequences. He reminds us to pay no mind to the fear of failure and it is far more valuable to take control of your life of ownership, taking the chances and having fun. And no matter what, never stop in what you are doing, or meant to be doing. And if you do not know where to start, start by knowing yourself in whatever way you can find that “TING” to make the best without your life. Reggae mixed with sounds with a flavor of Soul & Jazz, CJ Joe’s originality Shines throughout the song with upful saxophone melodies keeping your motivation & vibrations up.